Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mom Hair Introduction

Have you ever wanted the good ol' days where you could say, "groovy" or "far out" without being called... "old"? Have you ever wanted to drop the flutterby for a more "stylish" hairstyle? Have you ever wondered why they called your favorite hairstyle... "mom hair?"

Hello and welcome to the Mom Hair Clan. Here we, though others do not, cherish the style, the passion, the hard work and blood, sweat, and tears of those hairstylists who try to get half of the hair to stick up in the 80's fashion. We are mom hair. It is not "old" but "mature", "learned", "elderly". It is mom hair! Mom hair, the fashion statement that others should realize is the future.

Join us today. We are a friendly clan who accept new people. (If you're a non-member and can't buy mom hair, then make a new account that has "mom hair" in the name.) To join, post a comment saying the date and time (CP Time) and either Tuxfoo (leader), King of Ty (lieutenant), or Jeffy Doodle (sergeant) will find you in your mom hair and admit you. Sample of mom hair is above.


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