Monday, August 4, 2008
3-D Mom Hair?
Check it out! (Please, do not weep at lack of green headband.)
-King of Ty
Xat Chat!
-King of Ty
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sorry, faulty invatation!!! It's August!
Ready to party soon, Moms!
-King of Ty
Hey Moms! Let's rock!!!

If you can't read that, that says:
"Come to mom hair's groovy new party!
Date: Tuesday, August 4
Time: 2:30 PM PST
Where: King of Ty's igloo (on map!)
What server: Powder Ball
What to wear: It's a loco music bash! Nonmembers, don't forget your maracas! Members- Instruments, ponchos and mom hair are a MUST! (well if you have them, bring them!)
Hope to see you there!
-King of Ty
Friday, July 25, 2008
Let's party! Rock on!
Yes, the music jam is here, and, me being King of Ty, I went screenshot crazy. With a lot more improvements and coolness, it's better than ever! It reminds me of the fall fair.Yes, that is an unaltered screenshot. Proof that Disney does have a sense of humor.

-.- I swear, these are unaltered.
All feminists rejoice! The beach is now for girls and people who just come to yell that boys rule. Now I won't be able to go to the beach without my eardrums being assaulted by Hannah Montana songs.


Buy the backstage pass and you have not only a cool necklace, but a secret room in the dock!

Well, that's all I have for today. This post wasted 2 hours of my life, so enjoy!!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Some videoooooooosssssssss!
These are some videos I made advertising mom hair. Enjoy!
-King of Ty
EDIT: I finished Bittersweet Symphony, but I can't embed it.
Hey guys!
Since Tux's computer is weird (>_> Stupid Firefox. Windows is better), we have to get some bad screenshots. Try to enjoy (aaaargggh! There's no Movie Maker!)

Saturday, June 21, 2008
The Forum
Sorry guys!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Hints, Tips and Cheats
The Jet Pack Adventure is a mini game which can be played at the Beacon. Normally Penguins playing this game collect coins as they fly along. But if you can complete the game without collecting any coins you will be awarded a 1000 coin bonus at the end!
Astro Barrier Cheats
Skip Level
This is a very simple way of skipping to the higher levels of this mini game. When you get to the opening screen of the game where the menu is, just press 1, 2 or 3 on your keyboard to jump to levels 10, 20 or 30.
Secret levels
Secret levels can be played by waiting 30 seconds before the start of the game. When the screen is explaining information on the orange lever (before level 11), shoot the blue ship that goes by. This will give you access to the secret levels.
Bunny hill cheat
Go to Bunny Hill, and get in the second slot (the one all the way to the right). There are two versions of this cheat: Press the UP arrow key once - OR - Press the LEFT arrow key twice. Both are suppose to allow you down the slope without crashing into anything.
Extra Money Bags at Thin Ice
This trick will get you an extra 15 bags of gold if done properly. When you get to the last level (the 19th level) waddle on up to the top right corner. When you are in the corner right click on the second square down from the corner. This will let you go inside the wall! If you continue on to the square with a circle in the middle of it you will be given 15 bags of gold. If you did not finish all the levels you might only get 5 bags.
Pizzatron 3000 Secret Dessert Mode
When you are at the opening screen of the mini-game, look down to the lower right corner of your screen and you will find a red lever. Click on the lever to switch from making regular pizza to making special dessert pizza. You must flip the lever BEFORE you press play or it won't work. The desesrt mode is harder but you can make more coins - up to 1285.
Rapid Snowball Throwing
If you are involved in a snowball fight at Club Penguin and need to throw snowballs very quickly you can do it by the T-click method. Simply press the T key on your keyboard and click your left mouse button right afterwards. Keep doing this over and over very fast and your penguin will be like a snowball machine gun!
How to Catch the Big Fish in Ice Fishing
The trick here is when it gets close to the end of the game leave the little fish on your line. The big fish comes out last. When a big comes you will be able to reel it in if you are using the little fish as bait. If you catch the big fish you get an award and an extra 50 coins in prize money.
Go to .When you want to nub you must go to full screen mode. You do this by pressing the F11 key at the top of your keyboard. When you are fullscreen at the bottom of the level will be a white bar. The whitebar is your chat box where you type your chat message. If you click on the bar you will walk behind it and hide there. This is called nubbing. That's all there is to it.
-King of Ty
Thanks to Sidoi
Thanks again, Sidoi!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Notice on Approval
-King of Ty