There is nothing more annoying than moms that think they're cool.

-.- I swear, these are unaltered.
These people have no respect for other people's property.
But this party is cool. Weird.
Yes, the music jam is here, and, me being King of Ty, I went screenshot crazy. With a lot more improvements and coolness, it's better than ever! It reminds me of the fall fair.Yes, that is an unaltered screenshot. Proof that Disney does have a sense of humor.

-.- I swear, these are unaltered.
All feminists rejoice! The beach is now for girls and people who just come to yell that boys rule. Now I won't be able to go to the beach without my eardrums being assaulted by Hannah Montana songs.

And of course, this being Club penguin, they must have a few cool gimmicks that make noise.

Now for the free items.

Buy the backstage pass and you have not only a cool necklace, but a secret room in the dock!

It's also members-only. Is there anything this room doesn't have?

And, even better, the DJ3K is out!!! It's pretty cool, but hard to get coins with.


Well, that's all I have for today. This post wasted 2 hours of my life, so enjoy!!!
-King of Ty
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